Many single men today believe that sleeping with prostitutes and that they are not being unfaithful to anybody. These ladies have consented to the activity. Is this thinking right or wrong?
Many single men today believe that sleeping with prostitutes does not go against the third Buddhist precept, which is to avoid adultery. This is because they feel that they are not being unfaithful to anybody. These ladies have consented to the activity. Is this thinking right or wrong?
The Noble Eightfold Path on the Mundane Level # 6
The bodhisattva was once born as a golden a golden peacock with a body the size of a cart and eyes like bright red berries and its mouth pink like coral
Meditation Testimonials-Eric Levine-CEO
Just sit quietly being ever so light. Let everything go and it will turn so bright. Seeing yourself for the first time is a wondrous miracle in itself.
The Noble Eightfold Path on the Mundane Level # 2
When Right Intention is described in the Suttas, it is anaIysed in to three types: 1.The Intention to remove oneself from sensual desire [nekkamma sankappa]